By All Estimates – Video
In Haw Par Villa – Video Snapshots series Bradford records the sculptures in the park in various states of deterioration and maintenance, with only the movement of trees or clouds disturbing the photographic stillness of the videos. In installation, the videos are mounted onto bamboo scaffolding, speaking to the park’s ongoing physical renovation and construction, while also playfully referring to how the park’s history of renovation is intertwined with the construction of a Singaporean cultural and national identity.
Video Snapshot – Tiger, 2016, digital video, 22 seconds (looped)
Video Snapshot – Apes, 2016, digital video, 17 seconds (looped)
Video Snapshot – Figure, 2016, digital video, 15 seconds (looped)
Video Snapshot – Reflections, 2019, digital video, 16 seconds (looped)